Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Cross Word

Hai Guys.........
Meet me again ^.^ I would like to share my experience to make a crossword exercise. I have just realized that the crossword can help us to make interesting teaching about vocabularies. So now I want to share it to you

There are 2 types of crossword.
1.       A crossword with text hints
2.       A cross word with image hints

Ok! Now I will show you to make it.

2. CLICK “Free Crossword Puzzle Maker”.

3. Click Red circcle if you want to make a crossword with text hints or click one of topics under blue circle if you want to make a crossword with images hints.

4. Type your answer and your hints. You can make a hint with a word or a sentence

5. then click “get crossword” and will appear the result

Those are Steps how to make a crossword. It is easy, Isn’t it?
If you want to make a cross word with images hints. Just click a topic and the steps are like making crossword with text hints.

Okay guys those are steps making a crossword. I hope you can make it better than mine and you can make an interesting teaching that can make your students loving English.

1. divide your students become some groups
2. give them the Crossword paper and ask them to do it together with their group.
3. the group which can finish it first is the winner.

Thanks for your coming. Plz give me comment if I make amistake or you want to ask something else ;-)

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